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builds the future of food
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Real Stories, Real Impact
Learn about how Tälist empowers careers in sustainability and the environment, connecting talents with impactful Food Tech jobs.

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Building the Future of Food: Our Impact in Numbers
Impact careers in sustainability are at the heart of our mission. Every month, Tälist connects talents with thousands of opportunities around the globe, fostering a sustainable future through Food Tech.
Take a look at the numbers from last month:
Pioneering Sustainability and Environment Careers with Impact
Join Tälist to explore your Alternative Protein career and find impactful jobs in Food Tech.
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Impact Benchmarking
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Not yet sure?
Alternative Protein companies leverage scientific innovation, such as precision fermentation and cultivated protein technologies, to create a new generation of food products. It’s an exciting time to join this industry as there are plenty of pioneering opportunities.
By providing healthy, tasty, affordable and sustainable alternatives to animal products the Alt. Protein industry contributes to several UN Sustainable Development Goals such as:
Zero Hunger
by feeding more people with less resources, compared to animal products
Climate Action
by reducing greenhouse gas emissions from factory farming
Life below Water
by offering sustainable alternatives to fish products
Life on Land
by reducing the land footprint of animal farming
The Alternative Protein industry is an exciting field and a rapidly growing market. It is expected to reach $290 billion by 2035 and create 8 million new jobs by 2040.
Find your next innovative and impactful job and become part of the future of food!